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HP9000 high power LED photo-color-semi automatic selector


HP9000 high power LED photo-color-semi automatic selector

Can divide LED in to several groups by chromatic coordinates, correlated color temperature, dominant wavelength or luminous flux. Clamps: 1W/3W/5W/10W/20W and special order available; data can be saved as Excel file for analysis purpose.


Characteristics and specifications:

Test speed: 5ms-2s

Range of wavelength: 380nm-780nm

Accuracy of chromaticity coordinates: ±0.0015(x, y)

Accuracy of peak wavelength (λp): ±0.5nm

Range of dominant wavelength (λD): 380nm-780nm

Accuracy: ±1.5nm

Range of correlated color temperature (CCT): 1000K-100000K

Accuracy: ±3%

Range of luminous flux (ΦV): 10mlm-20000.0lm

Accuracy: class1

Forward current (IF)0.01mA-2500.0mA

Accuracy: ±0.5%

Forward voltage (VF) 0.01V-30.0V

Accuracy: ±0.5%

Reverse current (IR):0.01μA-200.00μA

Accuracy: ±0.5%

Reverse voltage (VR): 0.01v-20.0V

Accuracy: ±0.5%

  HongPu Optoelectronics Technology | Hangzhou Haojie

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